
Monday, March 18, 2019

Cuban Cigars : Rolling Process and Crop Gathering :: Cuban Cigar

Cuban Cigars The drum roll Process and Gathering the CropIn 1492, Christopher Columbus detect the island flat known as Cuba. A presbyopic with the disco actually of Cuba, Columbus also discovered tobacco plant plant. Since that time, Cuba has developed the reputation as having the finest tobacco and finest cigars in the world. The following name leave alone discuss how the crop is raised and harvested. Furthermore, the art of cigar rolling will be discussed in detail. What makes Cuban tobacco the worlds finest tobacco? The answer lies in Cubas climate and in the uniquely composed fertile fields in which the tobacco is raised. Cuba has a topical climate this, combined with a temperature that is hardened by trade winds makes the island quite tobacco friendly. Cubas fields, in which the tobacco is grown, afford a unique composition that gives Cuban tobacco its own distinct and un refered color and flavor. The tobacco crop goes through a long and tedious process before it is ul timately ready to become a Cuban Cigar. The first step in the process is to prep atomic number 18 the beds for the tobacco seedlings. After the beds are made, the tobacco seeds are planted. The next step involves exceed the plants and removing the suckers. This is done to increase the vitality of the plants. After ab give away 2 to 3 months, the plant reaches maturity and is then harvested. The tobacco crop is harvested leaf by leaf.After the tobacco crop is harvested, the next step is to cure the crop. solidification is done in a very methodical manner. First, the tobacco leaves are strung together with a cotton thread. They are then hung out to dry for a few months. They are then considered cured. After band the leaves, the plant goes through a series of natural fermentation steps. The tobacco at this stage is graded according to size and quality. The leaves at this backsheesh are ready to be wrapped and rolled into cigars. Before this is to fade however, the tobacco leaves a re arranged according to thickness and length to match the type of cigar that is to be produced.The process of rolling a cigar is a very detailed and meticulous one. Cigar rolling requires expertise and care. Interestingly, the tools use to roll cigars view as also remained virtually unchanged for generations. A small wooden get on with is needed, along with a semi-circular blade, and a small container of clear purified rubber resin, which is used to shape and seal off the ends of the cigar.

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